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Spring 2017
Fall 2016
Fall 2015

Instructors: Mary Wever & Liz Owens-Boltz

Year 1 Cohort

Summer 2015

Annotated transcript

Master of Arts in Educational Technology

CEP 810 - Teaching For Understanding with Technology

In this course I was introduced to Technological, Pedogagical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) and its contextual application to teaching and learning. This allowed me to expand my view of technology and how it is used in my courses.  I learned the value of my Professional Learning Network (PLN) and the integral role it plays in my growth as an educator. With this new appreciation, I learned how to construct roman shades using only online sources.


CEP 811 - Adapting Innovative Technologies in Education

With a new understanding of technology, I began to see the value in its flexibility and how it could be adapted and used beyond its intended purpose.  This course introduced me to Maker Education and allowed me to explore using play as a learning tool as well as the value of problem-based learning. This course inspired me to rethink learning in the classroom and how to engage learners through more innovative experiences. 


CEP 812 - Applying Educational Technology to Issues of Practice

In this course, I navigated through the complex terrain of wicked problems and worked with a group of peers to collect information, brainstorm possible solutions and develop an approach to a problem seen in education. Together with my peers, I created a White Paper discussing the value of failure as a learning tool and how inquiry-based learning can facilitate failure as a powerful tool for learning.

CEP 890 - Independent Study

Instructors: Dr. Patricia Stewart


The Walter and Pauline Adams Academy for Instructional Excellence and Innovation is a facilitated cohort that focuses on teaching and learning topics. This cohort allowed for the development of instructional objectives, applied integration and backward course design principles for implementation into the courses I instruct. I also created multiple rubrics and developed my personal teaching philosophy as a final project.


CEP 818 - Creativity in Teaching and Learning

Instructors: Jonathon Good, Dr. Punya Mishra &

Carmen Richardson


Through this course, I learned the value and relevance of creativity in education. I gained an understanding of the cognitive tools of creativity and how they can be employed in veterinary medical education to teach students how to explore and innovate solutions to problems within a team. I wrote a White Paper discussing how teaching creativity in veterinary medicine affords the development of transferable skills to be used across disciplines and creates a superior professional who will thrive in any team that they are a part of.



CEP 817 - Learning Technology Through Design

Instructors: Dr. Punya Mishra & Carmen Richardson


This course gave me the building blocks to develop and design educational tools for my students that are interactive, collaborative and incorporates the arts and aesthetics of design.  Using the Stanford Design Thinking Model as a framework I conducted some research within my community of practice and developed a professional development program for the veterinary technology program faculty that focused on their particular pedagogy and technology interests.   


Spring 2016

CEP 815 - Technology and Leadership

Instructors: Dr. Aman Yadav & Missy Cosby


This course focused on leadership in both education and technology. Specifically, I looked at different leadership styles and how and when they are most effective.  In this course, I developed a professional development program for the Veterinary Technology faculty that dealt with new technologies and how and when they can be effectively integrated. 


CEP 822 - Approaches to Educational Research

Instructors: Patrick Beymer & Dr. Andrew Saltarelli


This course helped me identify a researchable problem in education and then develop a research proposal of my own for that specific problem and audience. I drafted a research proposal where I looked at previous research in the field of veterinary education and then designed a research project that looked at the use of David Kolb's Learning Cycle to create more valuable laboratory learning experiences. 


CEP 800 - Psychology of Learning in School and Other Settings

Instructor: Dr. Andrew Saltarelli


The psychology of how students learn is important when looking at our classroom, what I teach, and how I teach it. This course looked at theories such as Social Learning, Behaviorism, and Cognitivism and how they relate to our students in and out of a classroom setting. By looking at students and classrooms through a psychological scope, I am able to make more educated choices that help foster student learning.

CEP 807 - Capstone in Educational Technology

Instructors: Brittany Dillman, Aric Gaunt, Sarah Keenan &

Dr. Matthew Koehler


This course is the culmination of the last 3 years of work in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology. This capstone course is where the synthesis of my educational technology knowledge and skill development is assessed through an online portfolio showcasing my graduate work.

Summer 2017


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